Sunday, 19 December 2010

Day 7, West Yellowstone, 0 miles.

Today I spent the day in West Yellowstone. It's a small little town in the middle of nowhere, only famous because it's the western gateway to the national park. 80% of the town closes between November and April with 100% of the park closed for November until 15 December for snow removal. Currently it's like a snowy ghost town, The roads in the town centre are ploughed, however to venture out of the 3 roads that make up the town, skidoos are the only mode of transport.

Here is a picture of the main street of Yellowstone at lunch time today.

The weather today has been over cast, snow has been falling all day. I would say about 5 inches, which to them is a shower! The snow that is piled up at the side of the roads is already 9 feet high, we are forecast 4 feet tonight.... I have no idea where they are going to put any more. The temperature is cold, -15oc today at lunch, which is considered moderate according to the sign next to the thermometer. The sign went right down to -40oc which had the setting 'extreme' - your not kidding!!!! Tonight they think it's -25oc...... I have frost burn on the end of my nose from where the moisture froze, note to self to put lip balm on there tomorrow!

so what is there to do in a ghost town???

1. Photograph the yokels starting their 10k cross country skiing race

2. Have a play with my cameras timer to see if I can reach the top of one of the smaller snow piles!

3. Have a drive round the 3 road town - here nobody walks, it's way too cold!

These bumps are cars stuck obviously left for the season!!!!

4. Photograph the woods to see if I can spot any bears!

Tomorrow I'm off to the park on a full day trip about an 'oversnow coach' I tried to get a skidoo but don't have a licence to go on my own and as there is just me would have to pay the full cost of renting a guide for the day..... Somewhere in the region of $300!!! But maybe I can sort one for this space!!!!

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