Monday 13 December 2010

Day 1 Manchester to Calgary 4500 Miles

Currently I'm at 36000 feet somewhere over north Canada on day one of my mini adventure. I'm embarking on a Thelma and Louise stylie road trip over the next 4 weeks.......only for this trip I have left my Thelma at home :-(.....

The first 2 weeks is just me and my camera, with the second 2 weeks staying with my brother in Banff.

After spending tomorrow (Monday 13th) hanging out in Calgary city, somewhere i have been to 3 times before but never seen the city, I will set off on my road trip on Tuesday 14 Dec with the intention of driving from Calgary to Yellowstone National Park, Montana, USA. Whether I actually get there remains to be seen, there is lots to see and do between Calgary and Yellowstone and I want to make it back to Banff in time for Christmas dinner!!!!

Sometime in the last 2 or 3 years I have seen pictures of Yellowstone and always wanted to go there myself. When I realised that my brother lives 500 Miles from there I jumped at the chance to borrow his car and take a road trip. :-)

I plan to do a blog everyday that I am on the road trip, so that you can all track where I have travelled to..... feel free to have a look. It would be great to receive comments from you also, little updates from back home.

I also will try and post pictures but am having difficulty finding a connector to hook my camera card to this iPad.....that's Apple for you....conning us into buying more apple merchandise by not including USB connectors on iPads.

That's all for now folks......Until tomorrow!!

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